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jinshan district中文是什么意思

用"jinshan district"造句"jinshan district"怎么读"jinshan district" in a sentence


  • 金山区


  • Cancer mortality in jinshan district of shanghai
  • The study of drawing forign investment in shanghai jinshan district
  • Add : no . 2853 , lin gui road , shi hua , jinshan district , shanghai tel : 021 - 57943344
  • Incidence and mortality of malign tumor in jinshan district of shanghai
  • King & queen hotel is situated at 388 weiling road , jinshanwei , jinshan district , shanghai
  • The production base is in jinshan district , attains more than fifty unit of area , the building acreage is eight thousand square meters
  • During the inspection , brigadier su wen - yuan introduced something about the garrison and gave thanks to leaders both from jinshan district government and mengshan middle school for their warmly - hearted support
  • The railway line will focus on cargo transportation for the yangshan deep - water port , pudong international airport , and the other international logistics and industrial trade zones in the districts it joins up . the first phase of the pudong railway project will feature 42 kilometers of track connecting the state railway system at ruanxiang station in shanghais southern jinshan district to new harbor city in nanhui district
  • Our company locates over hangzhou bay ' s tinglin industrial area , jinshan district , shanghai , at the triangle economic zone core region , north continues the shanghai urban district , south meets jiaxing , hangzhou and ningbo , zhoushan will meet the hangzhou bay bridge . the transportation is convenient and the geographical position is preponderant and remarkable
  • Our 10000m2 plant located on shanghai jinshan district had established itself as a base for developing researching and manufacturing grc frp spua products , replicas of rockworks , trees , animals , our 10000m2 plant located on shanghai jinshan district had established itself as a base for developing researching and manufacturing grc frp spua products , replicas of light - weight rockworks , trees , animals , realistic and fantasys sculptures special effects etc
    公司位于金山区,拥有占地1000余平米的工业厂房,是集生产,加工,实验,艺术创新的产品源头基地,主要产品囊括: grc (低碱度硫铝酸盐纤维水泥) frp (玻璃钢) spua (聚脲)制作的轻体高仿真假山,树木,动物。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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